Students at UCSB are encouraged to explore the world through study abroad programs. The UCSB Education Abroad Program (UCSB EAP) provides students with the opportunity to study abroad during their time at UCSB, and encourages them to take advantage of the programs offered through the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP). UCSB EAP assists students during the recruitment, application, pre-departure and re-entry stages of the process.
UCSB EAP Office is located at
SAASB Room 2201
Interested in studying abroad through UCEAP? Start by exploring all the programs and opportunities for prospective students!
Students interested in non-UCEAP study abroad programs should carefully review and follow resources. UCSB EAP staff only advise for UCEAP programs.
Non-UC Sponsored Study Abroad Leave
Transfer Guidelines for Students Participating in Non-UC Study Abroad
Start Planning & Get Advice
Planning is key for a successful UCEAP experience. Carefully review the "Academic Planning" information on the EAP website. Students are encouraged to meet with the advisors listed below before going abroad to discuss how courses taken while abroad could fulfill requirements.
UCSB EAP Regional Advisors
Reach out to regional advisors to learn how to find the types of courses offered in your program.
Major Department Advisors
Meet with your major and minor department advisors to help determine if your chosen courses may fulfill major/minor requirements.
College of Letters & Science Academic Advisors
Connect with a Letter & Science advisor to find out if your chosen courses may fulfill GE requirements.
Transferring your Study Abroad Credit
How and when are courses evaluated and credit awarded?
Courses are not formally evaluated as to whether they meet major or minor requirements or General Education requirements until they have transferred. After your grades have been received by UCSB Admissions and credit has been awarded to your student record, you may submit a petition to request the courses be evaluated to apply for General Education requirements or major/minor requirements. See petition process below.
Petitioning for General Education credit
Submit a petition to the College of Letters & Sciences to request credit be applied towards your General Education requirements. Visit the Transferring Credit page to see how courses from other institutions, including study abroad courses, are assessed for GE Requirements.
Petitioning for Major/Minor credit
Contact your major and/or department(s) for information on petitioning to have credit applied to your major requirements.
Don't forget your Residency Requirements
Fulfilling the Residency Requirement
All UCSB students must complete at least 35 of the final 45 units in the college or school in which the degree is to be awarded to fulfill the University Residency Requirement. Students who participate in the University of California Education Abroad program or UCDC program or UCSAC program, are responsible for all academic residence requirements with one modification for students who participate in UC EAP, UCDC, or UCSAC as seniors.
Students participating in UC EAP as SENIORS
For students who participate in UC EAP, UCDC, or UCSAC as seniors, the rule requiring 35 of the final 45 units in the college or school in which the degree is to be awarded is modified to 35 of the final 90 units. Students must secure prior L&S advisor's approval (signature on UC EAP Academic Planning Form) to use this modification and may graduate without returning to UCSB provided that they have satisfied all degree requirements by the end of their year abroad.
Warning: Upon completion of the UC EAP program, students who have any remaining degree requirements must return to UCSB to complete a minimum of 12 units on campus while fulfilling final degree requirements.