Letters & Science Transfer Academic Advisors at UC Santa Barbara provide the resources, guidance, and support to help transfer students thrive. We foster an inclusive environment that values diverse experiences and works to ensure students succeed academically, grow professionally, and reach their educational and career goals.
Drop-In Advising Available
In Person | Phone | Zoom
Check our calendar to find the location and availability of Letters & Science Transfer Advisors.
Locations: Visit us at our satellite office in 2110 North Hall or at 1117 Cheadle Hall.
Join the Same-Day Transfer Student Advising Queue on QLess on your phone, and choose your Contact Type. For In-Person advising select "In-Person" for the Contact Type and check-in at the front desk.
*Please Note: In-person advising may have longer wait times. We recommend selecting phone advising for faster assistance.
Find us at our new location!
Letters & Science Transfer Advisors are located at
2110 North Hall
You can also find General Letters & Science Advising at 1117 Cheadle Hall.
What is IGETC?
IGETC is a comprehensive a group of approved courses that prospective transfer students from California community colleges can complete to satisfy lower division General Education requirements at UCSB.
Transfer students with an IGETC Certification from their California Community College do not need to complete UCSB's General Education requirements.
Not sure if you have a Partial or a Full IGETC Certification? Complete the petition below.
IGETC or UC Letter of Reciprocity Questions?
Submit this form to have your IGETC, partial IGETC, or UC Letter of Reciprocity status reviewed.
Petition Instructions:
- On the petition, indicate if you are submitting a full IGETC, partial IGETC, or a UC Letter of Reciprocity.
- Indicate where you are in the process of submitting your full IGETC, partial IGETC, or UC Letter of Reciprocity.
- Include a copy of your unofficial transcripts or IGETC/UC Reciprocity documentation if applicable. An unofficial IGETC certification can be submitted for review purposes. However, official documentation must be on record with the UCSB Admissions Office.
- Allow 1-3 weeks for a transfer advisor to review your status. Transfer advisors may contact you to request additional information or to confirm that your IGETC/UC Reciprocity has been processed.
UCSB Guidelines for IGETC After Transfer
There are two options for completing IGETC after transferring to UCSB.
Note: Students should complete an IGETC request (outlined above) when they have completed their final IGETC requirement(s).
Option 1
Earn a grade of C or higher in an approved UCSB coursework. Use the link to view courses to choose from at UCSB.
Option 2
Earn a grade of C or higher in certified IGETC coursework at a community college.
IGETC Requirements & UCSB Course List
No options available at UCSB. Consult an IGETC After Transfer Coordinator to discuss options.
Communication 87
Math 3A, 3B, 34A, 34B,15
Psychology 5
If missing 1 course in Arts, choose from UCSB GE Area F
If missing 1 course in Humanities, choose from UCSB GE Area E or Area G
If missing 1 course in either Arts or Humanities, choose 1 from UCSB GE Area E, F, or G
If missing 1 or 2 courses, choose from UCSB GE Area D.
Note: cannot take all three courses from the same department.
If missing 1 course in Physical Sciences, choose 1 from UCSB GE Area C:
- Subsection - Physical Sciences
If missing 1 course in Biological Sciences, choose 1 from UCSB GE Area C:
- Subsection - Biological Sciences, or Anthropology 5
If missing 2 courses, choose at least 2 courses (for a minimum of 9.0 quarter units) from UCSB GE Area C:
- 1 from Physical Sciences subsection + 1 from Biological Sciences subsection. One of these courses must have a lab component.
If missing a Physical Science with laboratory, choose from one of the following:
- Chemistry 1A+AL, or 1A+1AC, or 2A+2AL; Physics 6A+AL; Earth 2, or Earth 4
If missing a Biological Science with a laboratory, there are no options available at UCSB.
- Consult an IGETC After Transfer Coordinator to discuss options.
Complete Quarter 2 of a foreign language at UCSB.
IGETC satisfies UCSB GE requirements only. It does NOT satisfy the following requirements:
- American History and Institutions
- Entry Level Writing
- Grade-point average requirements
- Academic residence requirements
- Major requirements
- Unit requirements:
- Total units
- Upper-division units
Finding your way as a Transfer Student can be tough!
Use this roadmap to help guide you.
To access general information and resources for transfer students, visit the UCSB Transfer Student Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
Review the transfer student section of the admissions website.
Your major progress check reflects courses taken before enrolling at UCSB. It can be found on the Progress tab on GOLD. Major progress checks for incoming students are processed during the summer and may not be available until mid-Fall quarter. If your major progress check is unavailable and you need to enroll in a course with a pre-requisite, see the “Enrolling in courses” section.
You may only receive credit for a course once. If you need clarification on course equivalency credit for a major course, speak with the major department's undergraduate advisor. For course equivalency questions regarding all other courses, contact your College advisors.
Course transferability can be found on your major progress check, available on the Progress tab in GOLD. If you have taken non-UCSB courses that are not on the major progress check that you hope will count as prerequisites for UCSB courses, you must send a copy of your unofficial transcript to the appropriate department (the department in which you are attempting to enroll in a course) for verification. Advisors in that department can update your record to show that you have fulfilled the prerequisite(s) needed for the course you wish to take.
For more information about course transferability and pre-requisites, visit our page dedicated to transferring credit to UCSB.
Contact the undergraduate major advisor in your intended major for guidance on courses to prepare for your major. In addition to any remaining GE requirements (if applicable), you should consider taking elective courses that will fulfill overall unit requirements. It is recommended that you enroll in at least 12 units (not including wait-listed courses) by the end of your pass two and then adjust your schedule during registration Pass 3.
An elective course is any course that satisfies unit requirements but does not apply to GE, major, or minor requirements. Elective units may be necessary to reach full-time quarterly enrollment and total unit requirements for graduation. Consider using elective units to explore another major/minor or participate in opportunities such as research, UCDC, UCCS, or study abroad. For more information, see your College advisors.
Yes! However, since not all quarter and destination combinations may work with your major, we suggest seeing both your major and college advisor to discuss the possibilities.
For information about studying abroad as a junior transfer, visit UCSB's Education Aboard Program.
You can speak to a College of Letters and Science academic advisor to discuss canceling your future UCSB registration. We also recommend that you contact the transfer admission counselors of the institution you are looking to apply to for details regarding their application process.
The Advising Partnership
The most successful advising experiences are built on relationships in which the student and advisor work together in mutual responsiveness and commitment. We encourage students to have regular conversations with our advisors to build these relationships. We also invite students to explore the many available online resources. These online materials provide important information regarding requirements, programs, and opportunities, which can significantly enhance the undergraduate experience. Exploring the online resources can also help students get even more from their meetings with advisors.