There's more to graduation than the cap and gown. Learn how to ensure you've completed all degree requirements to earn your degree and how to celebrate your accomplishment at Commencement.
Check-in with your advisors.
Before you select your courses for your final quarter, meet with both your major department advisor and Letters & Science advisor to complete a "Senior Check". An advisor can confirm you will complete all degree requirements (GE, major, university, and unit requirements) with your planned schedule.
Declare Candidacy on GOLD.
You will need to alert the Office of the Registrar of your intent to complete your degree requirements by declaring degree candidacy. Under the "Progress" tab on GOLD, select "Graduation & Commencement", select the quarter you expect to complete all degree requirements and click 'Declare Candidacy'.
Sign-up for UCSB Commencement.
You will need to officially register to participate in the Spring Commencement Ceremony. You can "Reserve your Seat" on GOLD beginning in April. Be sure to reserve before the posted deadline for your opportunity to march with your classmates!
Note: there is only one graduation/commencement ceremony offered at UCSB per academic year. If you have 155 units completed or in-progress and are planning to complete your degree requirements the following summer or fall, you are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Review the UCSB Catalog for the criteria to qualify for Undergraduate Honors at Graduation.
Helpful tips to degree completion
You can run a progress check on GOLD by selecting "Major and GE Progress Checks" under the "Progress" tab. This project check uses the same tools advisors use when running a SR check for graduation.
If you are planning on taking fewer than 12 units during your final quarter, you may wish to submit a deficit load petition, which you can do on the Petitions page. Students in 10 or fewer units with an approved deficit load petition may be eligible for a partial fee reduction. Please visit the Registrar's website for information on fees and submitting the fee reduction request.
Participating in Commencement does not necessarily mean you have fulfilled all of your degree requirements and graduated. Please be aware that you will need to complete all of your degree requirements and declare candidacy on GOLD in order to graduate. Many students participate in Commencement in spring but will finish their remaining degree requirements and graduate in fall.
- Students must meet 180 units (184 if they did not complete AREA B in high school). 60 of these units must be upper division (courses numbered 100-199).
- Students must meet all of their specific major requirements.
- Students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, overall major GPA, and upper division major GPA.
After reaching 135 credit units (or senior status), students must complete another 35 units while in residence at UCSB. Courses taken in UC Extension do not satisfy residence requirements. Credit earned at other institutions does not apply to academic residence. If a student participates in UC EAP, UCDC, or UC Sacramento during their senior year, they have the option of completing the 35 academic residency units after reaching 90 units (or junior status). Learn more about the Residency Requirement here.